Burnham Road, Owston Ferry, Doncaster, DN9 1AY


01427 728258

St Martin's

Church of England Primary School



At Trentside Federation the governing body is made up of a cross-section of 13 governors from the local community. 


Chair of Governors - Mrs Claire Noonan and Mrs Sally Moorman

Parent Governors - Mrs Vicky Thornton

Executive Headteacher - Mr Daniel Callaghan

Co-opted Governors - Mrs Jane Luxton-Mellor, Mr David Egner, Miss Michelle Sinclair and Mr Tom Foster

Staff Governors - Miss Melanie Turner

Local Authority Governors - Mrs Carol Lindley

Foundation Governors - Miss Di Hobson, Mrs Rita Temperton and Mrs Christine Kennedy


The  members of the governing body work closely with Mr D Callaghan (Executive Headteacher), who is responsible for the day to day running of the three schools, and school staff, to ensure that the educational provision provided is of the highest quality and standard, and enables all pupils to be successful, and reach their full potential and ability. 


The governing body has three main roles:- 

  • To provide a strategic view;
  • To act as a critical friend to the school;
  • To ensure accountability; and plays an important part in the leadership and management of the school. 


All governing bodies have statutory functions to perform, and at Trentside Federation, the majority of these are delegated to five separate committees.  Each committee has 3-7 members, and their composition is determined at full governor’s meetings, with a Chair elected for each one. The terms of reference, constitution and membership of each committee is reviewed annually, giving governors the opportunity to sit on different committees during their term of office – although membership tends to remain the same once governors settle into the role and in order to provide continuity and consistency. Each committee meets at least once each term, depending on agenda needs. 


The Complaints Committee – This committee consists of three governors nominated by the chair. They hear any complaints with the exception of curriculum issues, in line with the federation’s complaints procedure.


The Finance & Resources Committee - This committee ensures the school adheres to the requirements of the Schools' Financial Value Standard (SFVS).  It is concerned with monitoring all aspects of financial management within the school, as well as ensuring accountability, and regularly reviewing the budget and expenditure. 


The Personnel Committee – This committee deals with staff recruitment, matters of pay, staffing issues, discipline and grievances, and carries out the Head Teacher’s Performance Management. 


Standards & Pupils Committee - This committee is concerned with supporting and monitoring all aspects of educational provision and practice within the school.  Its main function is to monitor, evaluate and review teaching and learning practices and policies, the quality and standard of education, performances of all groups of learners against both national and local expectations, standards and targets, and to use the data to identify improvement priorities and set targets. 


The Health & Safety Committee - This committee is principally concerned with the maintenance and improvement of the school premises.  It has responsibility for school security, ensuring that health and safety guidelines are implemented, for carrying out health and safety checks, and for reporting on such matters to the full governing body. 


All major issues agreed within committees, such as policy reviews and changes, are brought back to the full Governors’ Meeting, held termly, for ratification. In addition to the statutory committee work, our governing body has set up working parties to look at specific issues. 



Click here to view the governor’s register of interest

Change of Leadership of Governance - March 2023.