Burnham Road, Owston Ferry, Doncaster, DN9 1AY


01427 728258

St Martin's

Church of England Primary School



For further information regarding our PTFA please contact the school office or contact them direct on pta-stmartins@outlook.com

 New members are very welcome.


Chair:  Miss Thornton

Vice Chair:  Mrs Priestley

Secretary:  Mrs Noonan

Treasurer:  Mrs Gavin




Mother's Day Gift Bag letter March 2023

Bag2School - May 2023.




Bake Sale after school w/c 6 February 2023 - two nights - dates yet to be confirmed.

PTFA Mother's Day Gift Bags - Order Forms - must be in the school office with Mrs Dance by 09.03.23.

PTFA Mother's Day Gift Bag Pop up Shop - 13.03.23 - 16.03.23.

PTFA Summer Bake Sale - May 2023.

PTFA Meeting - 25 May 2023 - 1.45 pm in school.

PTFA Meeting - 16 June 2023 - 1.45pm in school.

PTFA Summer Fayre - 14 July 3pm -5pm.

27.09.23 Meet the PTFA in School - 8.45 am - 9.45 am.

18.10.23 Ugly Bug Ball - details to follow to families.

01.12.23 Break the Rules Day - details to follow to families.

08.12.23 Christmas Fayre and Santa Visit - details to follow to families.

11.012.23 - 15.12.23 Christmas Pop Up Shop - details to follow to families.

18.10.23 Ugly Bug Ball.

19.10.23 Bake Sale - after school.

20.10.23  Bake Sale - after school.

15.11.23 BAG2SCHOOL .

PTFA December Events.

Christmas Jumper Exchange.

Friday 1 December - Non-uniform day - small gifts for colour theme hampers.

Friday 8 December - Christmas Fayre and Santa.

11 - 15 December - Pop up shop.

PTFA Christmas Pop Up Shop - Letter.

March 2024 Mother's Day Pop Up Shop Letter.

26.02.24 - 29.02.24 - Mother's Day Pop Up Shop during lunch break.

PTFA Bake Sale 26.03.24 and 27.03.24.

PTFA Fathers Day Pop up Shop - 13.06.24

PTFA Summer Fayre - 05.07.24 - times to be confirmed.

PTFA Disco - 11.07.24 - times to be confirmed.