Burnham Road, Owston Ferry, Doncaster, DN9 1AY


01427 728258

St Martin's

Church of England Primary School


Ofsted/School Performance

“The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. The last

available public data is from the 2018 to 2019 academic year. It is important to note that the data from

that year may no longer reflect current performance.”

This page contains the most recent Ofsted report for St Martin's CofE Primary School and links to GOV.UK where you can access information on school performance.

Curriculum Statement

SATS Outcomes 2019 (these performance measures are not current)

Average Scaled Scores & Progress Scores - KS2 SATS 2019

Congratulations on being in the top 1% in Maths letter

SIAMS Inspection Report - June 2017

St Martin's C of E Primary School - Ofsted - June 2024

Ofsted Report - Accompanying letter from Executive Headteacher and Co-Chair of Governors


National accolade awarded to St Martin’s CE Primary School


A national accolade for quality has been awarded to St Martin’s CE Primary School in Owston Ferry for its work in improving the well-being, resilience and self-esteem of its pupils who are vulnerable to underachievement.

The Quality Mark Award recognises the impressive work being done by the school to improve progress in reading, writing and maths for all pupils, particularly those with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.

The award has been developed by leading education charity Achievement for All (AfA), which offers support programmes to schools and settings to help them improve outcomes in the lowest achieving 20 per cent.

St Martin’s CE Primary School has been working in partnership with Achievement for All since September 2015 and has seen a marked improvement in many aspects including working with parents and carers on children’s targets as part of the AfA framework.

Mrs Vicky Priestley, Class Teacher at St Martin’s CE Primary School, said:

“I have found working with Achievement for All for interesting and informative. The programme has had an effect across the school helping us to foster even better relationships with both the parents and the children. We have seen improvements in the engagement of not only the targeted children, but also the rest of the cohort. As a school, we are delighted that we have achieved this award and that our hard work has been recognised.”

Questions to help with quote: How have you found working with Achievement for All? How has the programme helped improve the whole school? What improvements have been made? How does it feel to have been awarded Quality Mark status?

Achievement for All works closely with parents, carers, teachers and the individual child to secure the best outcome and attainment for their students through personalised and specific targets. The unique programmes are delivered directly to schools and settings via a highly skilled and trained team of expert coaches and specialist online support tool called The Bubble.

Schools are assessed for the Quality Mark Award within the second year of the Schools Programme. The award focuses on a variety of categories such as strategic planning, quality of teaching and learning, effective use of interventions, pupil progress and community relationships.

Christine Rogers, Regional Lead at Achievement for All, said:

“We are thrilled to present St Martin’s CE Primary School with this much deserved award. They have shown a high quality of leadership and teamwork, and most importantly, the target groups have made more than expected progress and have closed the gap with their peers. Our programmes are designed to be a whole school improvement tool and St Martin’s CE Primary School has shown a continued commitment and success in improving outcomes for their children.

“Achievement for All believes that every child can progress, and through our programmes we hope to enable every child to be the best that they can be regardless of background, challenge, or need. Huge congratulations to teachers, parents, carers and children at St Martin’s CE Primary School for all their hard work.”